Welcome Beneficial Bugs: Don’t Be Bugged by Nature’s Helpers

beneficial bugs are the invisible friends of your garden

Instead, learn the power of bugs in your garden. Beneficial insects and beneficial bugs play a vital role in the health and biodiversity of your garden. Gardening with a permaculture sensibility isn’t just about cultivating plants; it’s about understanding and nurturing a thriving ecosystem. Unfortunately, the practices of conventional agriculture and monocropping have had detrimental […]

Aphids on Plants & Proven Ways to Deal With Them

Aphids types vary from region to region

Got different types of aphids on plants in your garden? Are they pests? Or could they actually be a beneficial bug buffet? Our Texas summers are well known for scorching heat. While rising temperatures can bring out the best in sun-loving plants, they also invite pests such as aphids. What should you do when you […]

Texas Permaculture Gardening And Food Forestry Tips For February

Ryan planting a fig tree, making sure to disturb the roots to encourage healthy establishment.

On February 1st there is a transition from the first half of Winter to the second. In Central Texas the second half of Winter can be a somewhat unpredictable time in terms of the weather. February will probably be the time of the last and most severe freeze of the Winter. Warm afternoons might lead […]