1. Central Texas Ecology & Natural Cycles
1.1 Understanding Your Context

Texas Ecoregions — Texas Parks & Wildlife
Due to its size and geographic location, Texas is unique among states. Covering 266,807 sq. miles, it is second only to Alaska in land area. A large area of land will usually have a great deal of variation in climate and landscapes, factors influencing habitat diversity. The state has impressive topographic diversity, including 91 mountain peaks that are a mile or more high.

Texas Watersheds
The Texas Watershed Viewer allows users to identify local watersheds, sub watersheds, river basins, and river sub basins throughout the State of Texas.

Where Does Our Water Come From? — Beautiful Hays County
The continuous water cycle starts with rain. Of the rain that falls on the land, 89% of it either evaporates directly to the atmosphere or processed through transpiration in plants into the atmosphere. The remaining 11% seeps into the ground or runs off as surface water to rivers and streams. Of the

Web Soil Survey
The Natural Resources Conservation Service is the Federal agency that works in partnership with the American people to conserve and sustain natural resources on private lands.

Logan Labs Soil Testing Services | Lakeview Ohio
Logan Labs is the leading provider of analytical and consulting services to all areas of the agricultural community. We provide testing services for soil, water, soilless media, and plant tissue.

Microbial Biomass Soil Testing Kits & Equipment USA | microBIOMETER®
microBIOMETER® is a global company which offers an affordable, on-site soil microbe test using it’s patented smartphone technology. Results available in minutes.

Heavy Metal Testing | TPS Lab
Discover metal presence in soil, plants, water, & more with TPS Lab’s quick & precise analysis. Order now for agricultural product safety.
MWL – Home (Environmental Testing)
Midwest Laboratories | Providing third party analytical testing to our clients for over 40 years. Our vision is to be the trusted name in the industry that delivers science like no one else in the world, through innovation, teamwork and dynamic service.

Sun Movement Patterns
Application for determining the course of the sun at a desired time and place with interactive map.

Mountain Cedars as Groundwater Protectors with Elizabeth McGreevy
GUEST SPEAKER: Elizabeth McGreevyDATE: Thursday, May 19, 2022 TIME: 7 PM CST WHERE: ONLINE & FREE Get event links at: https://www.centraltexasmycology.org/e…

Oak Wilt in Texas – Drought Proof TX
Learn about how groundwater decline contributes to oak wilt, deforestation, and desertification in Central Texas.
1.2 Rainwater Management

Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond by Brad Lancaster
Award-winning books and resources to help you create abundant & productive homes, landscapes, and communities fed by the rain.

Keyline in the AR Sandbox
Award-winning books and resources to help you create abundant & productive homes, landscapes, and communities fed by the rain.
Understanding the Application of Keyline Geometry
Award-winning books and resources to help you create abundant & productive homes, landscapes, and communities fed by the rain.
1.3 Central Texas Plant Selection

TPWD: Wildscapes: Plant Guidance by Ecoregion
Texas Wildscapes — Technical Guidance Resources — Plant Guidance by Ecoregions
Native and Adapted Plants of Central Texas
The City of Austin created this guide to help you select plants that are native and adapted to the Austin area.
Central Texas Wetland Plants
Award-winning books and resources to help you create abundant & productive homes, landscapes, and communities fed by the rain.

Resources – Native Plant Society of Texas
The Mulloon Institute strives to restore landscape function. They carefully plan and design structures to fit neatly into the landscape. One example is the l…
Wildflower Center Plant Database
Commercially available native plant species suitable for planned landscapes in Central Texas.
This directory has been compiled to make it easier to find businesses that sell native plants or seeds and provide professional landscape or consulting services.

Texas Wildflower by Color
Gary Regner Photography, specializing in the photography of Texas wildflowers, landscapes, nature and the outdoors.

Planting Tips for Native Seeds
There are many places around the internet we think you might find useful as you begin to plant and care for your native seeds

Native Grass Planting Tips
Seeds germinate when soil temperatures are above 65 degrees F. Sow the grass seed in early spring through late summer, earlier is better. Harmonize with seasonal rains. If you want to get a head start on preparation, consider planting a cover crop in the fall. (See below for more details.)
1.4 Central Texas Riparian Ecosystems
Creekside Restoration FAQs
A degraded riparian zone is often entirely mowed, which results in bare soil along a stream bank. A lack of vegetation is a visible and primary variable that relates to overall riparian health. A degraded riparian area does not provide the important functions and services of a healthy riparian zon…

Austin Pond Society – Resources
Over the last six years we have received several calls from fish owners like you needing our help. Our APS volunteers step up and help out when we are able. APS is a non-profit organization.
1.5 Prairie and Savanna Ecosystems
Guidelines for Native Grassland Restoration Projects
Native grasslands and prairies, with their ecologically complex plant and animal communities, were important components on the landscape of early Texas. They were dominant features on the landscape in the Edwards Plateau, Cross-Timbers and Prairies, Coastal Plains, High Plains, and Lower Rolling Plains.
2. Food Sovereignty, Bioregional Integration, Ecological Harmony
2.1 Regenerative Agroecology & Soil Fertility

Exploring the Integration of Minerals, Biology, and Energy for Plant Health and Pest Resistance
Annual Farming Conference

Treating the Farm as an Ecosystem with Gabe Brown Part 1, The 5 Tenets of Soil Health
Gabe Brown of Brown’s Ranch in Bismarck, ND, shares his transformative journey of cultivating his farm from modern conventional use to a thriving living ecosystem.

Soil is Sexy | Andie | Substack
I marvel at life underground and all the ways healthy soil systems serve us. It’s sexier than it sounds and I’m here to prove it! Click to read Soil is Sexy, by Andie, a Substack publication with hundreds of readers.

What is Syntropic Farming? – Agenda Gotsch
There is no quick answer. We have to be honest and immediately warn that you won’t find a recipe ready to copy and paste here. Syntropic Agriculture (also described as successional agroforestry) is not a technology package that can be purchased, nor a definitive design plan that fits all tastes.
2.2 Homesteading and Growing Biodiverse Foods

Austin Organic Gardeners
The club’s philosophy is that human and animal health depends on the health of the soil that produces their food. Healthy soil, which is rich in organic matter, abounds with organisms that convert minerals in the soil into forms plants can use.

Central Texas Gardener
Central Texas Gardener is here to help! See how to tackle the techniques, pick drought-tough plants for wildlife, fill up your kitchen with fresh food, and enrich your soul with artistic designs and homegrown philosophy from hands-on gardeners. Get growing, right here, right now, for the future!

Lo-Tek Mushroom Cultivation — Central Texas Mycological Society
In this Mycology in the Garden video series in collaboration with the Austin Organic Gardeners, we will show you five low-cost and low-tech ways to grow edible mushrooms outdoors in shady areas where plants may not thrive. You can also grow them alongside your vegetables, perennials, or in the shade…

Microlife Fertilization Schedule
We believe that healthy soils, healthy plants and healthy people are all connected.

A Guide to Native Plant Gardening
North American native plants are disappearing at an alarming rate due to human activity, such as urban development, agribusiness and chemical application. Over the past decades, loss of native plant communities in Central Texas has led to wildlife habitat loss, erosion, reduced genetic diversity necessary for a balanced ecosystem and a disconnection of people to the land.

Firewise Landscaping With Succulents by Debra Lee Baldwin
How succulents protect homes from wildfire. Firebreak plants. Homeowners tell how firewise gardens “saved” residences in Rancho Santa Fe and Bonsall, CA.

The Facts about Hugelkultur and Nitrogen Immobilization
Hugelkultur is an old German and Eastern European soil-building technique that involves burying logs and growing plants over them while they decompose. Many growers have one major concern when they…
2.3 Agnihotra

What is Agnihotra? Its practice induces a harmonizing resonance to heal the environment and self, through the element of fire. The healing fire is prepared in a copper pyramid using gomai (cow dung) and ghee, the only suitable organic fuel for Agnihotra.
2.4 Electroculture

Electroculture Life | 101 Guide & Documentary
Electroculture is a simple method of applying atmospheric electricity to significantly increase plant growth. Using basic materials like copper wire (and/or magnets) to vitalize the soil and increase yields by 100% – 200%. It also eliminates the need for fertilizer and pesticides.
2.5 Water Structuring

The Fourth Phase of Water
Does water have a fourth phase, beyond solid, liquid and vapor? University of Washington Bioengineering Professor Gerald Pollack answers this question, and intrigues us to consider the implications of this finding. Not all water is H2O, a radical departure from what you may have learned from textbooks.
2.6 Primary Water

The Primary Water Institute – Scientific Evidence
Since antiquity, the source of water generated deep within the Earth, clearly defying the conventional scientific hydrologic cycle explanation, has been a mystery.

Anciet Water Supply Systems
Water – as an essential ingredient in forming of settlements and architecture

Harvest Harmonics
The objective has always been to find a safe, reliable, and inexpensive way of enhancing agricultural production naturally and without chemicals. Because it is a new technology, the precise mechanisms of action on plant chemistry are still being studied in order to form a more complete understanding…
2.7 BioGeometry and Sacred Geometrical Principles
2.8 Ethical Hunting and Foraging

Sacred Hunting
Civilization is a huge blessing… but it comes at the cost of fewer rites of passage and fewer ways to express healthy masculinity.
3. Biophilic Architecture, Sustainable Building
3.1 Air Quality, Heating and Cooling

Smart Air Knowledge Base – Keeping Safe & Healthy from Polluted Air
Keeping Safe & Healthy from Polluted Air
3.2 Synergy Files
4. Books, Podcasts, In Person and Online Learning Opportunities
4.1 Books

The Garden Awakening: Designs to nurture our land and ourselves
The Garden Awakening: Designs to nurture our land and ourselves [Reynolds, Mary] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The Garden Awakening: Designs to nurture our land and ourselves

The North American Maria Thun Biodynamic Almanac
The 2023 Maria Thun Biodynamic Almanac adapted for North American (EST) times. The original, and still the best, biodynamic sowing and planting calendar, now in its 61st year. Shows the optimum days for sowing, pruning and harvesting plants and crops.

The Regrarians Handbook
The ‘Regrarians Handbook’ is a succinct & sequential outline of over 300 integrated methodologies and techniques that have been proven over many years of universal application to work towards regenerating human, plant and animals’ lives along with production landscapes.

Holistic Management
Holistic management is a systems-thinking approach for managing resources developed by Savory decades ago after observing the devastation of desertification in his native Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). Properly managed livestock are key to restoring the world’s grassland soils, the major sink for atmospheric carbon, and minimizing the most damaging impacts on humans and the natural world.

Native American Seed Book List
Discover books on native seed and our environment to help you learn more about ways to help our planet

JDAM Organic Farming
ULTRA Powerful Pest and Disease Control Solution Make all-Natural Pesticide. Farm at $100 per acre a year. Everything you need to know to: Go completely organic Boost quality and yield Save huge, huge, HUGE costs Make all-natural fertilizer, pesticide and microorganism inputs yourself.

The Biofertilizer Manual
This exciting and valuable new eBook by Juanfran López is a must for any land manager who wants to take control of their farm and gardens biological and mineral fertility. At just 60 pages it is contains a comprehensive list of practical recipes, procedures and notes on how to use materials that are…

Native Texas Plants: Landscaping Region by Region
In this indispensable guide, you’ll find landscape designs for every type of terrain found in Texas―from the Gulf Coast to the Panhandle, and from East Texas to West of the Pecos. This book also includes 21 landscaping design plans that are sure to inspire even the most traditional homeowner to go native.

Lawn Gone!: Low-Maintenance, Sustainable, Attractive Alternatives for Your Yard
A colorful guide covering the basics of replacing a traditional lawn with a wide variety of easy-care, no-mow, drought-tolerant, money-saving options that will appeal to today’s busy, eco-conscious homeowner.

The Self Sufficient Life and How to Live It
Embrace off-grid green living with the bestselling classic guide to a more sustainable way of life from the father of self-sufficiency.

Gaia’s Garden
Many people mistakenly think that “ecological gardening”―which involves growing a wide range of edible and other useful plants―can take place only on a large, multiacre scale. As Hemenway demonstrates, it’s fun and easy–even for the beginner–to create a “backyard ecosystem” by assembling communities of plants that can work cooperatively and perform a variety of functions.

A Pattern Language
You can use this book to design a house for yourself with your family; you can use it to work with your neighbors to improve your town and neighborhood; you can use it to design an office, or a workshop, or a public building. And you can use it to guide you in the actual process of construction.

Design in Nature
Buy Design in Nature: How the Constructal Law Governs Evolution in Biology, Physics, Technology, and Social Organization.

The Hidden Life of Trees
Are trees social beings? In The Hidden Life of Trees forester and author Peter Wohlleben convincingly makes the case that, yes, the forest is a social network.

Entangled Life
When we think of fungi, we likely think of mushrooms. But mushrooms are only fruiting bodies, analogous to apples on a tree. Most fungi live out of sight, yet make up a massively diverse kingdom of organisms that supports and sustains nearly all living systems. Fungi provide a key to understanding the planet on which we live, and the ways we think, feel, and behave.

What Is Biodynamics?
What Is Biodynamics? collects seven seminal lectures―four on developing a spiritual perception of nature and three from his Agriculture Course, dealing with the preparations. Hugh Courtney of the Josephine Porter Institute for Applied Biodynamics contributes an informative, passionate, and visionary introduction.

Earth Knack
Earth Knack is a comprehensive how-to book for using Stone Age skills to fulfill your daily needs from materials readily at hand. Anyone who tries these ideas will find them environmentally appropriate and uniquely fulfilling

Holistic Homesteading
Make healthier life choices to heal yourself and the environment through self-sufficiency. Holistic Homesteading by Roxanne Ahern provides the tools for living slowly, intentionally, and better through permaculture, edible gardening, and organic farming.

Nature as Measure
An essential and timely collection of wise and compelling essays from one of the longtime leaders of the sustainable agriculture movement in America.

New Roots for Agriculture
Jackson’s major solution calls for the development of plant combinations that yield food while holding the soil and re-newing its nutrients without plowing or applying fossil-fuel-based fertilizers or pesticides. His new way of raising crops, by working with the soil’s natural systems, would keep the world’s bread-basket producing perpetually.

Rooted in the Land
Although contemporary society seems to promote the values of individualism and mobility, this engrossing book is dedicated to the notion that human lives are enriched by participation in a social community that is integrated into the natural landscape of a particular place.

The Virtues of Ignorance
The Virtues of Ignorance: Complexity, Sustainability, and the Limits of Knowledge proposes an alternative to this hubristic, shortsighted, and dangerous worldview. The contributors argue that uncritical faith in scientific knowledge has created many of the problems now threatening the planet and that our wholesale reliance on scientific progress is both untenable and myopic.

Farming in Nature’s Image
Farming in Nature’s Image provides, for the first time, a detailed look into the pioneering work of The Land Institute, the leading educational and research organization for sustainable agriculture.

Thus Spoke the Plant
In this “phytobiography”—a collection of stories written in partnership with a plant—research scientist Monica Gagliano shares genuine first-hand accounts from her research into plant communication and cognition.

Braiding Sweetgrass
As a botanist, Robin Wall Kimmerer has been trained to ask questions of nature with the tools of science. As a member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation, she embraces the notion that plants and animals are our oldest teachers.

Biomimicry and Business
Biomimicry, the practice of observing then mimicking nature’s strategies to solve business challenges, offers a path to healthy profit while working in partnership, and even reciprocity, with the natural world.
4.2 Podcasts

The Great Simplification
The Great Simplification with Nate Hagens explores money, energy, economy, and the environment with world experts and leaders to understand how everything fits together, and where we go from here.

Planetary Regeneration
Join Gregory Landua as he explores the movement to regenerate our relationship to planet earth and each other on The Planetary Regeneration Podcast. In wide ranging conversations, Gregory and his guests explore the cutting edge technology, philosophies, practices and models disrupting climate change and inspiring hope for a better tomorrow.

Regenerative Agriculture Podcast
This podcast is for professional growers and agronomists who want to learn about the science and principles of regenerative agriculture systems to increase quality, yield, and profitability.

GreenPill is about crypto-economic systems that create positive externalities for their neighbors & for the world.

Robert Edward Grant Podcast
Robert is a successful entrepreneur, best-selling author of PHILOMATH, prolific inventor, and founder of several corporate enterprises.

Emerge is an independent, non-profit media platform aiming to explore the emerging cultural narratives of our time.
The Stoa
Three guys discuss the world through the lens of a Mathematician, Psychologist, and a Philosopher. We’re not always right, but we will always have an opinion and strive to be.
Future Thinkers
Hosts Mike Gilliland and Euvie Ivanova interview global thinkers about the future of humanity, exponential technologies, future societies, psychology, philosophy, and consciousness.

The Jim Rutt Show
The Jim Rutt Show is an interview podcast series examining cutting-edge thinking in science and technology and the future of our economic, political and social systems and institutions.

Hermitix Podcast
Hermitix is a podcast focusing on one-on-one interviews relating to fringe philosophy, obscure theory, weird lit, underappreciated thinkers and movements, and that which historically finds itself ‘outside’ the academic canon.
Doomer Optimism
Doomer Optimism is a podcast dedicated to discovering regenerative paths forward, highlighting the people working for a better world, and connecting seekers to doers.

Collective Insights
Collective Insights is a voyage through topics and technologies revolutionizing human well-being.
Theories of Everything with Curt Jaimungal
Exploring theoretical physics, consciousness, and artificial intelligence.
4.3 Local In-Person and Online Learning Opportunities

Austin Permaculture Guild
We are an ever growing community in Central Texas committed to resilience, collaboration, and catalyzing diversity and abundance. We believe that although one person can’t change the world, together We can.

The Permaculture Student
Learn Permaculture with teacher, plant breeder, seed saver, gardener, and author Matt Powers. Books, online courses, videos, & more!

Sacred Journey School of Herbalism
An herbalist is someone who lives at the edge between the world of people and the world of the plants. We are stewards of the medicinal plants.

Holistic Management Online Courses
Holistic Management educational materials that transform land and lives. Online courses, essential reading materials, and all the tools you need to manage your land regeneratively.

Kind Harvest Regen Ag Courses
KindHarvest exists to build up the agriculture community as a resource full of high-quality conversations, articles, courses and curated news.

Savanna Institute
The Savanna Institute is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that works with farmers and scientists to lay the groundwork for widespread agroforestry adoption in the Midwest US.

The Blue Worm Bin Vermicomposting
Should you consider a worm business or expanding your worm farming?
Take a look at what’s happening right now to many large worm farms
Take a look at what’s happening right now to many large worm farms

Biomimicry Institute
Explore educational resources, podcast recordings, videos, and more to help you bring biomimicry into school, design, and your personal life.

Kernel Web3 Educational Community
A peer-to-peer, lifelong learning community of the most talented individuals in web3

Earth Native Wilderness School
Founded in 2011 in Austin, TX, Earth Native Wilderness School tirelessly works to help our students build lifelong connections to the outdoors. We do this through offering unique, fun, and informative courses that not only enliven but also lead our students down an incredible path of discovery and greater self-reliance.

The Human Path
Classes run year-round and emphasize survival, martial arts, self-defense, primitive engineering, awareness and stealth, etc.) local edible and medicinal plants, herbology, wilderness first aid certification, tracking and urban survival.

Natureversity is a nature-based learning school located in Austin Texas that offers courses in naturalist studies, survival skills, archery, and scouting for all ages. Our outdoor classroom inspires imaginative play, creations from nature, and life-long relationships with the earth, community, family and self.

Hamilton Pool Farms for Kids
Time to let your kids unplug and reconnect to the natural world. At Hamilton Pool Farms, we help grow sustainable and resilient kids who understand the connection between healthy soil and delicious, life-giving food, while deepening their awareness of the natural world.
5. Central Texas Community Involvement
5.1 All

Master Naturalist Program
The Texas Master Naturalist Program’s mission is to develop a corps of well-informed volunteers to provide education, outreach, and service dedicated to the beneficial management of natural resources and natural areas within their communities for the State of Texas.

Master Gardener
Master Gardeners are members of the local community who take an active interest in their lawns, trees, shrubs, flowers and gardens. They are enthusiastic, willing to learn and to help others, and able to communicate with diverse groups of people.

Native Plant Society of Texas
Local chapters across the state help promote the Native Plant Society of Texas mission while providing a social context which many members enjoy. Each chapter chooses projects according to the interests of their members.

Central Texas Mycological Society
Our mission is to strengthen the conservation, research, and study of Funga in Central Texas

TreeFolks is an urban forestry nonprofit that empowers Central Texans to build stronger communities through planting and caring for trees.

Festival Beach Food Forest
Growing edible forest gardens on public land that nourish, educate and inspire

Friends of Grand Meadow
In 2021, our neighborhood community noticed our city park, Grand Meadow Neighborhood Park, needed some love and attention – so we took matters into our own hands and adopted it!

Mutable Earth Botanicals
Mutable Earth Botanicals supports community access to local, organic, herbal remedies cultivated and prepared on site in Austin, TX at the Food Forest of the Whole Life Learning Center.

Whole Life Learning Center
At Whole Life Learning Center, Mentors support the Whole child, and are committed to all facets of growth and development: intellectual, physical, emotional, and spiritual.

Pioneer Farms
Volunteers are key to Pioneer Farms’ success. By donating your time and talent, you help Pioneer Farms build toward an exciting future. We offer a variety of volunteer opportunities to fit your time schedule and interests. Come join the fun!

Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center Public Events
The University of Texas at Austin Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center uses native plants to restore and create sustainable, beautiful landscapes. We carry out our mission to inspire the conservation of native plants through our gardens, research, education, and outreach programs. In doing so, we improve water quality, provide habitat for wildlife, and enhance human health and happiness.

Balcones Canyonlands Preserve
There are many ways to get involved at the Balcones Canyonlands Preserve (BCP)! If you’re interested in hiking, more than 3,500 acres of the preserve are regularly open to the public. Plan a trip to Hamilton Pool, Wild Basin Preserve, the Barton Creek Greenbelt, Emma Long Park, Commons Ford Park, St. Edwards Park, Mount Bonnell Park, or Westcave Preserve.

SkyEarth is modeled after a family of gatherings like Rabbitstick (started 1988), Winter Count (started 1995) and EarthKnack (started 1995) that strives to reconnect people with old ways of making fire, tanning hides, forming metal, weaving baskets, hunting, gathering and many more outdoor primitive, bushcraft, survival, and homesteading skills.
6. Our Friends and Local Companies We Love
6.1 Friends/Partners

O2 Compost Systems
All of our composting systems are designed to be simple to operate, with a focus on “chore efficiency”.
With aerated composting, turning the pile is unnecessary; in fact, turning the pile impedes the composting process.
With aerated composting, turning the pile is unnecessary; in fact, turning the pile impedes the composting process.

Drought Proof Texas
To rehydrate the entire state of Texas, and build the infrastructure to provide us all with an abundant source of clean water and renewable resources.
Feast or famine, we’ll be ready for rain and ready for drought.
Feast or famine, we’ll be ready for rain and ready for drought.
6.2 Texas Regenerative Land Stewardship

Grass Fed Sustainability Group (Environmental Outcome Verification)
Our purpose is to build a financially viable organization that teaches comprehensive land management decision making, integrating all resource components. By regenerating the land, soil and water of the grasslands within our influence, we help to assure the financial viability and quality of life, both socially and financially, of practitioners and their communities.

Native Prairie Association of Texas
The Native Prairies Association of Texas (NPAT) is a non-profit land trust dedicated to the conservation, restoration, and appreciation of native prairies, savannas, and other grasslands in Texas. We’ve been saving our Texas heritage since 1986.

Roam Ranch
Nestled deep in the Texas Hill Country, Roam Ranch is a regenerative farm striving to produce nourishing meat and heal ecosystems by mimicking the complexity of nature.

Force of Nature
Force of Nature animals are pasture raised and regeneratively sourced. That means grass fed, grass finished, delicious taste and nutrient dense. Serve your family better meat meat that’s good for the environment. The best meat on the planet, for the…

TerraPurezza is a regenerative agriculture farm in the Texas Hill Country. We specialize in heritage breed pork, poultry, and sheep.

Southwest Farms
Southwest farms is an all-organic propery producing vegetables, beef, eggs, hay, pecans and fruit.
6.3 Local Sustainable Building and Manufacturing

Texas Healthy Homes
In North America the majority of buildings under nine stories tall are constructed with what is called hollow cavity walls. These walls are made from a wood frame that is infilled with insulation, covered with sheathing, other layers for waterproofing and a variety of finishes.
6.4 Local Co-Living Spaces

What if you could live in a small community with shared values. Where friends, amenities, and nature are just steps away. A community that self-determines its own values, land use, architecture, and urbanism. Where you can start renting immediately and slowly build a stake in the community.
6.5 Local Health & Wellness

3rd Eye Meditation Lounge
Dozens of weekly wellness classes & events in Austin, as well as ceremonial grade cacao, high vibrational tonics, and more

Psychedelic-assisted therapy for depression, anxiety, PTSD and other mental health conditions. TBI & concussion treatment. Performance medicine. Float tanks. Sauna. Ice Baths. IV infusions.

Flow Yoga
Heated and non-heated yoga for (y)all – non intimidating classes for pregnant, guys, seniors and everyone in-between. Theres a reason we’re rated the top studio in the whole state.
6.6 Local Nurseries, Soul, Garden Supplies

Brothers Worm Farm
Brothers Worm Farm is a Texas worm farm, specializing in nightcrawlers, red wigglers, and composting worms for sale. We also produce nutrient-rich bulk worm castings for sustainable organic gardening. Visit us today for worm composting tips, worm bins, and more.

The Natural Gardener
We have an extensive plant nursery that includes seasonal veggies and herbs, annual color, perennials, trees, shrubs, vines, xeric offerings, and more! Don’t forget to visit our Tropical House to see exotic houseplants and rare succulents and cacti.

Kinser Ranch LL
Located in Austin, TX, Kinser Ranch LLC is the premier sand, dirt, topsoil, mulch, and compost supplier in the area.

Barton Springs Nursery
We can make sure that you have the right space to get your gardening dream started.

Austin Wood Recycling
Discover Our Land Clearing, Grinding, and Hauling Services | Serving Central Texas’ Construction and Landscaping Markets – Austin Wood Recycling

Organics By Gosh
Featured Products See All Our Residential Products Contact Us for Commercial Pricing Custom Blends and Specs Do you have a project with exacting specifications? We can create custom engineered soil blends to precise standards.

Wimberly Gardens
Wimberley Landscape Supply is the #1 source for quality landscape supplies and materials in Central Texas. We focus on high quality soils, river rock, flagstone, sands and all landscape and masonry related products while also offering same day service and delivery on all bulk and pallet orders.

Leaf Landscape Supply
Leaf Landscape Supply is a full service wholesale plant nursery and landscape supplier in Austin, TX with two locations.

The Great Outdoors Nursery
Every week we are updating our selection and adding new houseplants. Whether you need a low-maintenance succulent or want to fill out your philodendron collection, we’ve got you covered!

Dirt Works
Dirt Works commitment to improving your home, commercial or Ranch property is our top priority. Our skilled estimators and operators have years of combined experience which allows Dirt Works to plan, design and execute your project into reality.

Garden-Ville sells premium organic garden products including compost, mulch, soil blends, fertilizers, and soil amendments. Educating the public about organic gardening and sustainability for over 50 years.

Shoal Creek Nursery
Our wide selection of high quality plants, imported pottery, water features, gardening supplies and gifts are complemented with personal attention by our experienced staff.

Hill Country Water Gardens
Located on 5 acres in Cedar Park, Hill Country Water Gardens & Nursery is a destination garden center offering everything for ponds, disappearing streams, fountains, fish, statuary, pottery and garden art as well as trees, shrubs, annuals & perennials for the landscape.

Community Gardens
Community Gardens is a family-owned business in Bastrop, TX that offers a unique combination of services. It is a nursery that specializes in locally grown plants and trees, has a restaurant and sports bar, a coffee shop that brews locally sourced coffee, and a venue that hosts events, concerts, corporate parties, baby and bridal showers, retirement parties, banquets, and more!

Red Barn Garden Center
Make your yard the envy of the neighborhood with flowers and plants from our native plant nursery and garden center in Leander, Texas. Red Barn Garden Center is a full-service retail nursery proudly serving the community since 1978.

Backbone Valley Nursery
Established in 1999, Backbone Valley Nursery is family owned by the Robertson and Martin families. Our family takes pride in what we do and we strive to provide the very best plants, products, and services in the Highland Lakes area. Our staff is trained to provide you with information and advice that we stand behind.

Round Rock Garden Center
Round Rock Garden Center was established in 1972 as Murffy’s Nursery along the Chisholm Trail in historic ‘Old Town’ Round Rock. Over 35 years later, it is the longest operating garden center/nursery in Central Texas – some even say we are an institution.

Boomers Garden Center
Bloomers Garden Center was started from humble beginnings in 1987 by Marcus and Jody Young. Our nursery has blossomed from a desire to combine our love of gardening and the natural world with the awesome privilege and blessing of being able to serve our community through our business by creating a destination place and an ever-expanding resource and knowledge base for our customers.

Wildseed Farms
Visit our 200-acre wildflower farm and vineyard, including a half-mile walking trail and gardens. Taste our estate grapes, featured in our award-winning wines, in the on site tasting room or grab a cold beer in the Brewbonnet. Spend the day on the farm and shop for gifts, seeds, plants, and more!

Tillery Street Plant Co
Founded in 2011, Tillery Street Plant Company is a small retail nursery located in Austin, Texas. We are a 2 acre garden sanctuary within the heart of the city and carry a vast selection of native and adaptive plants to the Central Texas region. Our shelves contain many botanical wonders ranging from unusual medicinals to curious tropicals and beyond.
7. Values Aligned Global Network
7.1 Regenerative Land Management Research

Savory Institute
Holistic Management of grasslands can result in the regeneration of soils, increased productivity and biological diversity, as well as economic and social well-being. At the Savory Institute, it’s our mission to regenerate these critically important and fragile grasslands.

HMI has collaborated and worked alongside government agencies, NGOs, and businesses who work with family farmers, ranchers, tribal members, and pastoralists to support their communities as they grow and thrive.

Quivira Coalition
The Quivira Coalition builds soil, biodiversity, and resilience on western working landscapes. We foster ecological, economic, and social health through education, innovation, and collaboration.

Regeneration International
To promote, facilitate and accelerate the global transition to regenerative food, farming and land management for the purpose of restoring climate stability, ending world hunger and rebuilding deteriorated social, ecological and economic systems.

The Land Institute
The Land Institute is a science-based research organization working to develop an alternative to current destructive agricultural practices. Our work is dedicated to advancing perennial grain crops and polyculture farming solutions.

Permaculture Research Institute
The Permaculture Research Institute (PRI) is located on a Permaculture demonstration site in The Channon NSW, and is headed by Geoff & Nadia Lawton. We specialize in education & training worldwide. We also provide daily Permaculture news and information via permaculturenews.org. The Permaculture Research Institute is a not-for-profit organisation, limited by guarantee.

Josephine Porter Institute for Applied Biodynamics
JPI’s Mission is to heal the Earth through biodynamic preparations, education and research, and to build a dynamic integrated network so our legacy is accessible to all future generations. We work to support all farmers, gardeners, ranchers, and biodynamic enthusiasts in their making and use of biodynamic preparations.

Farmers Footprint
We are a coalition of farmers, educators, doctors, scientists, and business leaders aiming to expose the human and environmental impacts of chemical farming and offer a path forward through regenerative agricultural practices.

Open Source Ecology
We’re developing open source industrial machines that can be made for a fraction of commercial costs, and sharing our designs online for free. The goal of Open Source Ecology is to create an open source economy – an efficient economy which increases innovation by open collaboration.

Global Ecovillage Network
The Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) catalyzes communities for a regenerative world. GEN is a growing network of regenerative communities and initiatives that bridge cultures, countries, and continents.

Willowstick specializes in the identification and characterization of groundwater flow paths and patterns in three dimensions. We provide quick and nonintrusive techniques that identify the exact location and depth of groundwater flow paths. In 15 years, the Willowstick method has been successful in over 300 projects around the world.
7.2 Holistic Natural Sciences and Philosophical Research

Consilience Project
The Consilience Project publishes novel research at the leading edges of global risk mitigation, governance design and culture. Our content explores the key challenges and existential threats facing humanity, and the underlying problems with current approaches for addressing them.

Penny Heiple Unified Physics
Like so many in this field, I came to this work through my own suffering and my search for answers to the deepest questions of life. My journey has led me time and time again back to one of the most profound questions I’ve ever asked: “What is healing?” The answer is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

Vesica Institute
The Vesica Institute offers training and resources in ancient & modern holistic sciences

Cymatics is the science of sound made visible, typically on the surface of a flexible or semi flexible medium or the surface and sub surface of water.

BioGeometry is based on a Physics of Quality, which includes a growing body of knowledge and scientific research that integrates, rather than divides our world-view, thus narrowing the gap between the energy manifestations of spirituality and science.

Qualia Research Institute
Our rigorous research and theoretical insights are directed towards mapping the state-space of conscious experience.

Antiquity Reborn
Using my engineering and mathematical skills, I uncovered a remarkable pattern in the orientation of foundations of ancient structures around the world.

Demystify Sci Investigates
Illuminated analysis of Nature in service of a more resilient future. Ask until you understand.

Ask Nature
Humanity faces many challenges. Nature holds solutions. To discover them, all we have to do is ask. Begin your search here.

Biomimicry Toolbox
By applying nature’s design lessons, we can create solutions that help support a healthy planet. This digital resource site from the Biomimicry Institute provides a quick-start guide to biomimicry, introducing the core concepts and methods that are essential to successfully incorporate insights from nature into design.

Donella Meadows Project
The mission of the Donella Meadows Project is to preserve Donella (Dana) H. Meadows’s legacy as an inspiring leader, scholar, writer, and teacher.

Buckminster Fuller Institute
Buckminster Fuller developed the new discipline of Comprehensive Anticipatory Design Science to support a whole systems approach to “make the world work for 100% of humanity in the shortest time possible.” We are expanding this work, making it available in new ways, and actively applying it to urgent global challenges.

Carlos Farias Sigma Series
Formerly named “The Truth”, this channel seeks to better understand the fundamental nature of reality through philosophy, science, & art. We’ll uncover concepts from psychology, mythology, spirituality, literature, media, and more. If you like Lex Fridman or Curt Jaimungal, you’ll love this educational channel.
7.3 Skills Gatherings

SkyEarth is modeled after a family of gatherings like Rabbitstick (started 1988), Winter Count (started 1995) and EarthKnack (started 1995) that strives to reconnect people with old ways of making fire, tanning hides, forming metal, weaving baskets, hunting, gathering and many more outdoor primitive, bushcraft, survival, and homesteading skills.
7.4 Regenerative Finance, Web3, Tech Stack

Regens Unite
A fresh way of connecting regenerative thinkers and builders in Climate Activism, Technology, Purpose Organizations, Cooperatives, DAOs, Impact Investing, Regenerative Finance (ReFi), Decentralized Science (DeSci), and Art.

Creator Cabins
Colive across a global network of properties in nature. Cabin is a network city that connects people to coliving experiences and work/stay residencies
8. Recommended Products
8.1 Seeds/Live Plants

Native American Seed
Native American Seed is a family-owned business. It was born in a space we created out behind the barn on our little 7-acre patch of prairie remnant in Argyle, Texas.

Wildseed Farms
Visit our 200-acre wildflower farm and vineyard, including a half-mile walking trail and gardens. Taste our estate grapes, featured in our award-winning wines, in the on site tasting room or grab a cold beer in the Brewbonnet. Spend the day on the farm and shop for gifts, seeds, plants, and more!

Green Cover No-Till Intensive Polyculture
We have hundreds of in-stock seed species available. Whether you want to order a single species or a pre-made seed mix, you can find it at our online store.

Texas Tested Seeds & Plants
Seeds & Plants selected for optimal production in southern climates. Texas Tested Seed ONLY offers heat resistant seeds and plants

Southern Exposure Seed Exchange
We encourage cooperative self-reliance in agriculture. We promote and participate in seed saving and exchange, ecological agriculture, reducing energy use, providing locally adapted varieties, and regional food production.

Southern Seed Exchange
At Southern Seeds, we’re more than a seed retailer – we’re passionate seed guardians, eco-farmers, and gardeners at heart. We specialize in a wide range of seeds, from vibrant flowers and versatile culinary herbs to beneficial medicinal herbs, lush fruits, and hearty vegetables.

Native Seeds Search
Native Seeds/SEARCH (NS/S) is a nonprofit seed conservation organization based in Tucson, Arizona. Our mission is to conserve and promote the arid-adapted crop diversity of the Southwest in support of sustainable farming and food security.

Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
At Baker Creek, our passion is Saving, Growing, and Sharing rare seeds! Our mission is to provide seeds of a sustainable food supply for everyone, keeping heirloom varieties alive for future generations.

Adaptive Seeds
At Adaptive Seeds we steward organic, rare, diverse and resilient seed varieties for ecologically-minded farmers, gardeners and seed savers. Our seed is adapted to the Pacific Northwest and other short season northern climates. We sell only public domain, open pollinated (OP) seed, as well as diverse gene pool mixes.

Open Source Seed Initiative
Inspired by the free and open source software movement that has provided alternatives to proprietary software, OSSI was created to free the seed – to make sure that the genes in at least some seed can never be locked away from use by intellectual property rights.

Row 7 Seeds
We are a seed company built on collaboration between chefs, farmers and plant breeders. Working together, we create, trial and distribute delicious plant varieties to make an impact in the soil and at the table.

Johnny’s Selected Seeds
Our mission is helping families, friends, and communities to feed one another by providing superior seeds, tools, information, and service.

Sand Hill Preservation Center
Our goal and mission is genetic preservation and education on the importance of diversity in our food crops. We are not set up as a true business with making a profit the goal. Our goal is to preserve and educate. All funds generated go directly back into the efforts to improve and increase our collections.

Truelove Seeds
Truelove Seeds is a farm-based seed company offering culturally important and open pollinated vegetable, herb, and flower seeds. Our seeds are grown by more than 50 small-scale urban and rural farmers committed to community food sovereignty, cultural preservation, and sustainable agriculture.

Territorial Seed Company
Territorial Seed Company is a privately held company, wholly owned by Tom and Julie Johns. Purchased in 1985 from its founder Steve Solomon, Tom and Julie have grown the business substantially over the past 40 years but have never strayed far from the original course set by Steve.

Kitazawa Seed Co
Gijiu Kitazawa worked many years as an apprentice for a seed company in Japan prior to starting Kitazawa Seed Company in 1917. The business operated in a large warehouse with a storefront located in downtown San Jose, California. At this time, America’s vegetables reflected a homogenous national palate yet Kitazawa Seed Company sold all kinds of seeds from domestic and foreign sources.

Fedco Seeds
Worker- and consumer-owned cooperative offering seeds, trees, tubers, and supplies since 1978

Turtle Tree Seed
We are a small, non-profit seed company that sells 100% open-pollinated vegetable, herb, and flower seeds. Every single seed we sell is grown using Demeter certified Biodynamic® and organic practices. All our seed is non-GMO, non-hybrid, never treated, and grown without the use of chemical inputs.

Experimental Farm Network
The Experimental Farm Network (EFN) works to facilitate collaborative plant breeding and sustainable agriculture research in order to fight global climate change, preserve the natural environment, and ensure food security for humanity into the distant future.

I breed plants for fun, because I am interested in discovering the possibilities. I’m not changing the world here. My discoveries are not going to feed the starving masses, save us from climate change, or expand the frontiers of science, but they might feed you if you grow them. This is mostly a one-man show, meaning that I do everything from weeding to stuffing envelopes alongside the actual breeding work.
8.2 Soil Fertilization

Wildroot Organic
Over 95% of all plants across the globe depend on a special type of natural creation called mycorrhizae to pull moisture and nutrients they need from soil. Mycorrhizae facilitates the underground nutrition-gathering process that supports and replenishes the roots of plants to ensure the strongest and healthiest plants possible.

Many growers will never go past buying miracle grow organic soil and feeding with tap water and some NPK. Even many more will stop with some Premium bagged soil and Premium Bottled Nutrients. But very few will take it full circle and return back to the origin of simple soil with solid humus, minerals and an abundance of life.

KiS Organics
One of the most important skills any grower can have is the ability to visually identify a deficiency or issue with their crop. Proper scouting and early identification of nutrient or IPM issues is critical to staying on target with your harvest goals

Earthwise Organics
Since 1997 we have been providing organic products and advice to growers ranging from backyard gardeners to farmers with 10,000 acres of commercial production.

We believe that healthy soils, healthy plants, healthy planet, and healthy people are all connected. As such we take great care in how we manufacture all of the MicroLife products.

AEA Products
At AEA, we are an energetic, dedicated group of expert plant and soil professionals who embrace a philosophy of teamwork and openness. Since 2006, we’ve served over 2 million acres with AEA programs while working hand in hand with farmers in North America, producing healthier soil, stronger crops, and higher profits.
8.3 Homestead, Garden, Farm Tools

Native American Seed Native Plant Landscaping Tools
Native American Seed is a family-owned business. It was born in a space we created out behind the barn on our little 7-acre patch of prairie remnant in Argyle, Texas.

Territorial Seed Company Tools
Territorial Seed Company is a privately held company, wholly owned by Tom and Julie Johns. Purchased in 1985 from its founder Steve Solomon, Tom and Julie have grown the business substantially over the past 40 years but have never strayed far from the original course set by Steve.

The Cook’s Atelier Copper Garden Tools
The Cook’s Atelier is a family founded French cooking school in the heart of Burgundy, France. We teach guests from around the world French cooking and living through our culinary programs.

Fairview Orchards Bronze Tools
Fairview Orchards is a family owned & operated farm that cultivates a diverse variety of certified organic fruit such as Hass Avocados, Meyer Lemons, Blood Oranges, Figs, Specialty Tangerines, Jujubes & Pomegranates. Hand-picked and delivered or shipped fresh, we practice sustainable farming methods while utilizing the latest technology.
8.4 Water Structuring Mechanisms

Fractal Water Ultra Imploder Vortex Magnetic System (Salt/Chemical Free Water Softener)
Introducing the new Fractal Water Ultra Imploder 1″, with more powerful magnets, indestructible stainless steel construction. All the benefits of the original Super Imploder, but made of 316 Stainless Steel.

FlowForm (Water Structuring)
5 metres of Flowform® Figure8 equates to 50 metres of natural dynamic river flow

Vortex Water Energisers
Increasingly the Vortex Energiser is being used for industrial and farming applications. These applications include wastewater, soil, compost and irrigation treatment.
8.5 Health and Wellness

Force of Nature Regenerative Meat
Regeneratively focused meats that nourish our bodies, our soil and our future

BioGeometry Shop
Based on a Physics of Quality, the revolutionary science of BioGeometry uses the subtle energy principles of geometric form to introduce natural balance to the different energy-qualities found in any living system.

Inner Balance Sensor HeartMath Institute
Sometimes, all we need is a little feedback to make positive changes within ourselves. Imagine if that feedback could come straight from your own heart. Well, now it can.

Analemma Water
Aǹalemma is a revolutionary tool that powerfully enhances the properties, quality and the effects of drinking water by transforming it into a coherent, liquid crystalline state.

Mutable Earth Botanicals
Mutable Earth Botanicals supports community access to local, organic, herbal remedies cultivated and prepared on site in Austin, TX at the Food Forest of the Whole Life Learning Center.

Texas Medicinals
Since 1999, Texas Medicinals has been making artisanal herbal remedies in Austin, Texas, using impeccable ingredients, ethically wildharvesting the herbs ourselves as well as sourcing them from organic farmers. Order everything you need here!

Alfa Vedic
Unsatisfied with the questionable quality-control of herbal imports we knew we could do better. A pristine ecology enhanced by Permaculture Design, adherence to Biodynamic practices & Ionization soil science assure the uncompromising standards of Alfa Vedic Gardens. Purity. Sustainability. Biological Integrity.

Cultivate Elevate
Our health journeys started when we could no longer tolerate being sick so often. Feeling tired, bloated, and anxious was holding us back from enjoying a fulfilling life of adventure. So we cleaned up our diets and started to question ingredients.

Smarter HEPA
POWERFUL AIR PURIFIER: High performance, compact air purifier that delivers clean, filtered air at 330 cubic feet per minute, cleaning 1,200 square feet in just 30 minutes or 600 sq. ft. 4 times per hour. Perfect for larger areas in homes, offices and classrooms

Our High Performance Air Purifiers & Surface Sanitizers can Greatly Reduce your exposure to: mold, germs, order, chemicals, aeroallergens and PM2.5

Air Oasis
Reduces unwanted contaminants in the air and on surfaces. Ionization reduces mold, bacteria, viruses, and VOCs. UV light and catalyst combine to create ions that clean air and surfaces. No filters needed, reducing the cost of ownership.

Windmill Air Conditioner
A modern window air conditioner designed with you in mind. The Windmill AC is easy-to-install, efficient, quiet, eco-friendly, and … cool.

SomniLight Therapy
The amber-spectrum light emitted by firelight and candlelight demonstrates no negative effect on melatonin production. SomniLight amber sleep lamps and amber book lights are specially designed to mimic the amber-wavelength light of candlelight without sacrificing the safety and convenience of modern lighting, allowing you to fall asleep up to an hour faster.

Vesica Shop
Our mission at Vesica is to collect the highest level of essential knowledge and practices from the world’s great spiritual traditions — and from modern holistic science researchers — to illuminate little-known solutions to the most serious spiritual, health, and environmental challenges we face today.

Pur Crystal
We have created our own new methods of vibrationally testing stones to confirm they have the optimal energetics for powerful energy healing and esoteric applications. Our high quality stones are now available to the public in our Pur Crystal line.
8.6 Clothing

We’ve built robust environmental and animal welfare responsibility programs to guide how we make our materials and products.

Christy Dawn
Our Summer Collection was inspired by the excitement and joy brought forth by the Summer sun — an invitation to embody the dazzling light of this season with short hems, intricate embroidery, vibrant prints and form-flattering silhouettes.

Farm to Freedom
Freedom is more than just a word – it’s an anthem that resonates deep within our souls. At Farm to Freedom, we embrace the power of personal and collective sovereignty through intentional choices, regenerative agriculture, and unwavering support for local farmers and makers.