Why Is Azomite One Of The Best Soil Amendments?

Minerals, water, living soil, plants, animals, atmosphere, community, stewardship, and structures:  These are the topics we the staff of Symbiosis will have the honor of sharing with the reader in user-friendly ways through the articles we write. We specialize in designing and installing hyper-local, resilient, and nutrient-dense food gardens and permaculture orchards with nontoxic means. […]

Being Self Reliant: Preparing for a Low Energy Future

In Permaculture, the main goal of the movement is to prepare for a global low energy future. The focus is on our present communities (locally and globally) for long term survival and thrival.  In order to achieve the goal, homesteads are the first priority. “Homestead” implies self sustaining livelihoods; growing own food, capture and using […]

The Pros & Cons of GMO Consumption

GMO Tomato

Introduction: A quick google search on “gmos” or “monsanto” will give you an array of contradictory information.  It can be hard to thin out what effects gmos actually produce on our food, health, and environment. In this article, I will interpret resources from advocates of GMOs to present all of the scientific  benefits of this […]